BRR – 9-21-2019 – Hour 1

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Hour 1

Host: Eddie The Bombardier Miller, Lee Elvis Cochran and Jacob Moon Dog Tyler fire up the old B-17 and The Bombardier drops a full load of HE and Napalm on the “fence setters, the “cowardly masses”, and the imposters in the nonexistent-alt-right movement”.  Moon Dog shows why he was a 5 star BRR recruit with his and masterful, verbal judo moves in response to the Bombardier’s damn them to hellfire, sulfur and brimstone rant.  Elvis joined us in a hot, colorful, factual admonishment to our comrades in arms in the war of ideas to not fall for the pseudo-pious rhetoric of the regressive left. The gang also discusses the recent developments with Wal Mart’s pretentious anti-2A posturing in response to the tragic mass shootings of late.