BRR – SPECIAL 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY BROADCAST – October – 5 – 2019 – Hour 1

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Hour 1

Guest: Matt Goodwin, Markus

Tonight marks our one year anniversary of 102 hours of solid radio!

It was October 6,2018 when Blood River Radio, with the entire crew of Eddie “The Bombardier”Miller , Matt The Mole” Goodwin, Lee “Elvis” Cochran,  Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler and “Mister Marine Jeans” Andrews were all on board together. Tonight we had everyone on deck except Mister Marine Jeans.We will remedy that situation by bringing Gene ,our brother in arms, in for a broadcast, soon.

It is totally obvious  that Almighty God is working in the lives of men and it’s especially clear that Blood River Radio is touched by God, and the reason for our astounding success is because we at BRR have pledged to always serve God and give Him all the Honor, credit and Glory! We here at BRR will always obey Him! God shall always reward his good and faithful servants!

It is almost surreal that we had a official BRR Co-host, boots on the ground, in South Africa calling in to his home base for the 2nd time in as many weeks, and not only that: Matt The Mole Goodwin had a real live South African Boer on the BRR live! The entire hour was dominated by factual , play by play, on site reporting by Markus (the SA Boer) and fielding questions from the BRR Guys

I doubt we we BRR guys will be able to top this episode for at least a long time to come.