BRR 2019-10-26 Hour 2 Show
Hour 2
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Hour 2: Eddie Miller, Jacob Tyler
Special Project:
The Blood River Radio Guys help James Edwards celebrate 15 years of The Political Cesspool Radio Program spanning three whole days .First time ever that all five BRR Guys ( Eddie “The Bombardier Miller, “Matt the Mole” Goodwin, Lee “Elvis” Cochran ,Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler and Gene “Mr. Marine Jeans” Andrews ) were on site together simultaneously. 70 or more like minded people of “one accord” from all corners of the USA and at least one guest from South America,and one from South Africa join together for fun, fellowship and just all round fun and enjoyment- People of a great variety of vocations and religious persuasions were cemented together by one common denominator binding factor- Race.A love of each other and a deep concern for our future in a world that hates us so very much. We even had the owner of Liberty News Radio on hand to bless us with the pre-show prayer, joined by his brother in arms, Kurt Cosby.
Hour 1 and Hour 2
Guest: Simon Roche of Suidlanders, Dr. Michael Hill of The League of the South, Janiece Hamblen, Dr. Kevin McDonald, and Keith Alexander. Eddie, Matt and Jacob take turns interviewing 5 different guest over the entire 2 hour span. We plea for assistance from our audience for our White Family in South Africa facing extermination from the Black run Government. We also plead for help in the defense of The League of the South. Dr. Hill and his 2nd in Command Michael Tubbs are being dragged into the Gulag Court system / in ZOG Charlottesville in the not to distance future. The outcome is bleak and the situation will present with great physical danger for both our LOS Brothers.