Due to a Death in Sam Bushman’s family, Blood River Radio will be a rebroadcast of two of the listeners favorite shows. Please refer to our Archived April 25, Hour 1 show for full Description our Part 2 in our series expose on The “Holocaust” -the greatest lie ever told in the last 100 years!

BRR 2020-04-25 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Cohosted by  Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer and Birthe “Spartan” Voss.

Tonight features episode number 2 of our series breaking down and dissecting the most gigantic lie of the 20th and 21st century, exposing that most sacred and sacrosanct of all sacred cows, the atrocity to trump all atrocities, that jealous god that will have no other gods before it . . THE HOLLOWCAUSE!