Great Britain and Western Europe
In Great Britain and Western Europe—the cradle of white Christian thought and culture—overwhelming waves of non-white peoples are pouring in. The vast majority of which are also non-Christian and largely unemployable (for a variety of reasons). They are living off the largess (quickly being depleted) created by the inventions, work and sweat of white natives. This is text book definition of Ethnic Cleansing. Genocide.
Genocide in the United States of America
While the state of affairs in the UK and Western Europe is worse than in the U.S. currently, the fate of Whites has been sealed here as well. The border with Mexico is non-existent. Countless numbers of non-white people are pouring in from all over the world at a higher rate than ever before. However, even if America’s souther border was immediately closed, and that strictly enforced, (as it could be) our genocidal fate is still sealed because of the tens of millions of hostile non-whites who have crossed over and reside here comfortably already.
They have a very high birth rate, while the birth rate of whites has fallen below replacement level (for many reasons). The first stage of hard genocide has already begun with the destruction of our cultural symbols and statues across America. Witness the attacks on icons of the South, statues honoring our southern history and culture have been torn down from Memphis to Charlottesville to New Orleans. Now even attacks on our Founding Fathers, including Washington and Lee have begun. First they come after the linen, then the stone, then the flesh.
Summary of Global White Genocide
Hardcore extermination of Whites physically, biologically, spiritually, culturally, has been ongoing for years in South Africa, but has picked up in rate, level of violence, and intensity.
For instance, the South African government just recently announced its official determination to confiscate all property of white people without any thought or intent of compensation.
At the same time it says to the world that all whites living there have about two years left before the government will start exterminating its white population.
The UK, Europe, and the U.S. have suffered fatal levels of mass, non-white immigration.
Birth rates of whites are at all time historically low levels, while hostile non-white immigrant birth rates are extremely high, out breeding whites making ethnic cleansing in every formerly white nation a mathematical certainty.
Blood River Radio is one of the only media outlets in North America with the intelligence, courage, and vision to realize and state openly that the global white race is in the early to middle stage of being exterminated. We are one of the very few media outlets with the courage and selflessness to swear on the holy altar of god to fight against our genocide. As other media fiddles while the white race burns, Blood River Radio shall fight to the death to defend our people against extermination.
Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller
Our Mission
Blood River Radio Mission Statement
To fight the rising tide of global White genocide; to serve as an advocate for the White race; to act as a White civil rights and civil defense group. We have determined that the White people in the most acute danger at present are the White people of South Africa. Therefore, our main focus shall rest there, hence the name Blood River Radio. Our next priority is with Europe and the UK. And finally with the rest of the White world under genocide attack—the Americans, Canadians, Australians, Europeans in all countries. Russia appears somewhat safe at this time.
We hope to provide a meeting hall where (all) right thinking White can meet for debate, the exchange and sharing of ideas, to defeating global White genocide. We believe we can assume a leadership role in the global fight.
We shall expose a legion of lies that have become sacrosanct—lies that have now been “weaponized” against White people. Two common lies, White privilege and White guilt. Lies about the American Civil War, the Southern people, Confederate soldiers, and even the KKK. Exposing the truth of World War I, World War II, the creation of modern Israel from its beginning to present. We’ll include some truth about the Nazi Party, German soldiers, the German people and the Waffen SS, just to note a very few.